Ace Panel Seal

Fire Barrier


Ace Panel Seal is a fire sealing system which consists of mineral wool boards coated with a fire retardant chemical to seal openings in walls and floors in building structures. This fire sealing system provides a tight seal against the spread of fire, toxic gases and smoke and stops fire for up to 4 hours. It has been tested as per ASTME-814 Standard and is FM Approved.


  • Is non hygroscopic, it does not retain moisture and is not effected by humidity. It remains effective even after prolonged outdoor use
  • The coating does not disintegrate or deteriorate in salt water
  • Has no ageing effect. Coating lasts for the lifetime of the penetration seal
  • Is anti - rodent
  • Is resistant to Mineral Oil
  • The coating does not crack or peel
  • Not affected by radiation. Suitable in radiation areas, ideal for nuclear power plants and atomic energy establishments
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Technical Data

    Density of Ace Mastick 1.25 to 1.40 gms/cm 3
    Bulk Density 550 gms./ltr.
    Thickness of Coating 1.5 to 2.00 mm
    Curing Rate 4 hours
    Shelf Life 18 months, in original packed condition
    Life Expectancy of Ace Mastick 40 Years.
    Density of Ace Mastick 1.25 to 1.40 gms/cm3
    pH of Ace Mastick 6.0 to 8.0
    Flexibility 25% flexible
    Appearance Grey /Off white, thick liquid
    Odor Odorless
    Flash Point None
    Resistance to moisture & humidity Good
    Toxicity Non Toxic
    Application Temperature 5°C to 50°C
    Mineral Wool Board details 50 mm thick . Density 0.09 Ounce/Inch3. Coated with Ace Mastick Coating to a dry thickness of 1.5 mm
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